Regulations on Attendance
(Approved in XVII GC meeting held on 8-1-2011)
- RGUKT being a residential institute, 100% student attendance is required. However, a small percentage of absence from classes to the tune of 10% may be tolerated. On medical grounds, a student may be permitted an absence of up to 30 days at a stretch, not exceeding 60 days in an academic year, with genuine support documents and approval of the Dean (Academic affairs)
- In cases exceeding more than 30 days in a semester, the student has to repeat the semester
- Medical absence of up to one academic year may be granted against submission of genuine documents and an undertaking by student and parent that the absence is not taken for attending any other entrance test or for joining elsewhere, with the approval of the Dean (Academic) [VC in the absence of Dean]
- The student's name will be taken off the rolls, if the absence is more than one academic year. However, in genuine cases an absence of more than one year and up to a maximum period of two years can be granted by the Acad Council/Senate on prior application to only those students who were studying beyond the first year of Engineering
- The readmission granted for long absentees on medical grounds will be for a maximum of total absence of two years only in the entire six years integrated B.Tech course